Hosting Charity Auctions

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How can I host a charity auction?

Hosting Charity Auctions

Hosting a charity auction is a generous act, but it does require some serious organization. In order to host a charity auction, you need to first determine which charity you'd like to assist. Once you have a charity in mind, you should contact them to express your interest. You also need to then begin soliciting businesses and individuals to see if they will donate goods to be sold for charity. It is worthwhile to try and find an auction house that is willing to volunteer its services to your charity auction. If a willing auction house can't be found, then you need to organize a system of sealed bidding that will allow buyers to bid without the aid of an auctioneer. You can also organize a charity auction online. Most large online auction sites have hosting services that allow individuals to create charity auctions and then solicit buyers and sellers to give donations.



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